Recession Relativity
± Relative motion velocity = Object velocity - Observer velocity.
Absolute time ➔ Relative time.
± Relative motion velocity² = Relative wave speed² - c² .
This is the Einstein synchronization of the ratio of the speed of light invariance to the relative velocity. However, in the apparent relative motion, there is only the observation result of the asymmetrical progress of the clock.
And in the educational setting,
What was Einstein thinking about such problems?
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Einstein in 1947 |
1, Synchronization by Relative time
Wave speed in K' observed from K: w₋ = √ (c² - v₋²).Motion speed of K' observed from K: v₋.Time in K' observed from K: t₋ = t (w₋ / c), w₋ / t₋ = c / t.Wave speed of K observed from K': w₊ = c (c / w₋).
Spherical wave of K observed from K':x'² + y'² + z'² = (w₊ t₋)² = x² + y² + z² = (c t)².Since the speed of light of the observer is also a wave, its relativity lies in the observed wave. But special relativity makes it immutable and tries to match it with the result using Lorentz transformations.x'² + y'² + z'² = (c t₋)² ≠ x² + y² + z² = (c t)².
However, the speed of light is isotropically constant in a free space without boundaries, regardless of the presence or absence of an absolute stationary coordinate system. Therefore, when abolishing absolute time and selecting relative time (Newton distinguishes), Lorentz transformation, speed of light invariance, and ad hoc hypothesis (Space-time dilation from absolute space) of world interval are not necessary. This time dilation based on the apparent relative time of the observer and the object is valid. Now let's look at this apparent relative time for the three types of frequency shifts.
2, Asymmetry Doppler shift of light
γ₊ = 1 / γ₋ = c / w₊,
w₋ = γ₊ c = √(c² - v₋²),
v₋ = c√(1 - γ₊²) = √(c² - w₋²) (1).
γ±: Scale factor, c: Light speed, w±: Wave speed, v±: Motion speed.
The secondary Doppler frequency at which oscillates of (S) is,
γ₋ = 1 / γ₊ = c / w₋,
f₋ = f₀ / γ₋ (2).
f±: Secondary Doppler frequency, f₀: Reference frequency.
λ₋ = γ₋ λ₀ (3).
λ±: Secondary Doppler wavelength, λ₀: Reference wavelength.
f = f₋ / (1 - v₋ cos θ / c),
λ = c / f (4).
θ: moving angle of the light source seen by the observer.
w₊ = γ₋ c = √(c² + v₊²),
v₊ = c√(γ₋² - 1) = √(w₊² - c²) (5).
f₊ = f₀ / γ₊ (6).
λ₊ = γ₊ λ₀ (7).
f = f₊ / (1 - v₊ cos θ / w₊),
λ = c / f (8).
3, Symmetry Cosmological red-shifts
v₊ = H₀ d = c z,
γ₊ = c / w₊ = c / √(c² + v₊²) (9).
Here, the proportionality constant (H₀) is called Hubble constant, which determines the current expansion rate of the universe. The Hubble constant has the dimension of the reciprocal of time (T⁻¹), and the unit is usually kilo-meters per second per mega-parsec (symbol: km/s/Mpc).
E = h f₊ = h(γ₊ f₀) = (γ₊ m₀)c² (10).
h: Planck's constant, m₀: Rest mass.
λ₊ = c / f₊ ,
z = ⊿λ / λ₀ = (λ₊ - λ₀) / λ₀ (11).
4, Asymmetric gravity red (blue) shift
Ground surface speed of light (c): 299,792,458 m/s.
Geocentric gravity constant (GM): 3.986e⁺¹⁴ m³/s².
Earth radius (r): 6,378,000 m.
GPS satellite altitude (h): 20,200,000 m.
Orbital velocity of GPS satellites (v): 3,874 m/s.
Hyperbolic infinite wave speed: w∞ = √[c² + 2GM/r].
Wave speed of GPS satellites: wG = √[w∞² - 2GM/(r + h) - v²].
Difference in how the clock progresses: wG / c=1 + 4.45e⁻¹⁰.
Asymmetric phenomenon * Lorentz transformation = Asymmetric phenomenon.
1, From "Asymmetry Doppler shift of light".
a) The SR clock hypothesis requires a double index notation ad hoc hypothesis for asymmetric phenomena.
What causes the small, inconsistent velocity changes found in some solar system probes approaching Earth in hyperbolic orbits?
2, From "Symmetry Cosmological redshifts".
c) The Lorentz transformation, which Einstein said is better than clock synchronization, contracts only in the direction of travel, violating the isotropic of the cosmological red-shift.
Laser observations reveal that the moon is slowly motion away due to tidal friction, but at the same time the orbit is gradually descent. What causes this slight increase in eccentricity that is inconsistent with the mechanical model?
e) Permanent increase in astronomical units.
In the astronomical unit system, the movement of the planet follows the laws of dynamics, but radar observations show that the planet is motion away, and it seems that the astronomical unit is increasing with respect to the meter. How to explain this phenomenon?
f) Universe that accelerates and expands.
Why is the expansion of the universe accelerating, as observed? What is the nature of the dark energy that is responsible for this acceleration? If it is due to the cosmological constant, why is it not zero, even though it is so small? Why is it not huge, as predicted by many field quantum theories? And why isn't it 0 due to unknown symmetry? What exactly is the end of the universe?
3, From "Asymmetric gravity red (blue) shift".
g) On the other hand, gravity does not work because it does not become invariant to Lorentz transformation even when trying to vectorize in the range of special relativity [32]. General relativity is needed to deal with gravity.
h) Delta function problem approximating an object as a point mass.
They pointed out that most treatments of the problem used “delta functions” as a way to approximate the bodies in the system as point masses. As a consequence, the “self-field,” the gravitational field of the body evaluated at its own location, becomes infinite.
How can quantum mechanics be integrated with general relativity to build a theory called "the theory of all things"? Is string theory on the way to quantum gravity, or is it a dead-end theory? Is there a way to derive experimentally consistent results for physical phenomena on the Planck scale?
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